
Adelheid Sharon

Adelheid Sharon
Title: Inter Club Council (ICC) Co-Chairs

Hello everyone! I am Adelheid Sharon. I am excited to announce my candidacy for the Inter-Club Council Constitution Associated Students of Mt. San Antonio College. As a passionate advocate for student involvement and engagement, I believe that being a part of this council is an opportunity to make a real difference on our campus.

If elected, I will work tirelessly to ensure that all clubs and organizations have the support they need to thrive. I understand the value of clubs and organizations in fostering personal and professional growth, building relationships, and developing leadership skills. I will work to ensure that all clubs and organizations have access to resources that will help them succeed, such as funding opportunities, marketing support, and event planning assistance. I will also promote collaboration among clubs to create more diverse and engaging events for all students.

Furthermore, I believe that it is important to create a welcoming and inclusive environment for all students. This means that we need to actively seek out and promote diversity and equity within our clubs and organizations. I will work to ensure that all students, regardless of background or identity, have equal access to participate and lead in all aspects of student life.

Finally, I believe that transparency and communication are key to building trust and respect among students. I will work to maintain an open and honest dialogue with all members of our campus community and will strive to keep everyone informed about important decisions and initiatives taken by the council. I will seek out feedback and suggestions from students, so I can improve my performance.

In conclusion, I am very grateful about the opportunity to address all of you as a candidate member of the Inter-Club Council Constitution Associated Students of Mt. San Antonio College. I am committed to building a strong and inclusive campus community that empowers every student to achieve their goals and aspirations. Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to working with all of you to make a positive impact on our campus. I am excited to work together with all of you to create a thriving and inclusive campus community.